Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Appalachian Trail : Unknown Territory Video Blog - part 9

The ninth installment of the Unknown Territory Video Blog

Check back every Wednesday for a new installment and follow along with the adventures of a lawyer, an Ivy grad, and a city chick.


  1. Pigs! All of you! No table manners whatsoever! I'm so proud! I guess your gonna moon the Cog Railroad as well, huh? :)

  2. Excellent! Best video yet. Jake would be proud!


  3. "Where does ham come from?" - best quote from the whole video. Looks like quite a feast!

  4. So funny! When I was in college, I waited tables at a southern comfort food restaurant. One of the things on the menu was the "vegetable plate". People could choose any four vegetable sides to make an entree plate. I can't tell you how many people picked mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, pinto beans and cinnamon baked apples (basically pie filling) as their four "vegetables". I always laughed at that.

  5. I agree with CCGinger; my favorite video so far as well.

    I love the part in the beginning where Kate is naming off the menu and Emily calls out in the background........ "biscuits" and "apple butter". Then, the part at the end, when Emily claims her belly is pregnant with "biscuits and gravy". It's clear which menu items she gorged on.

    Also, the image of stuffed and exhausted (seemingly from eating) Kate, hanging her head over the scraps on her plate, is priceless!

    As for Brandon, a bigger HAM than the meat on the menu. Just the way he likes it no doubt!

    Great job Jay!!!!!!!
