Thursday, March 10, 2011

One Year Ago

ONE YEAR AGO the Traveling Circus set forth on the adventure of a lifetime.  With the use of YouTube, Picasa, WhiteBlaze, Blogspot, and Facebook, we brought our journey into the homes of thousands of people across the United States.  We documented everything from our thoughts to our eating habits, and offered our viewers a unique look into an Appalachian Trail thru-hike from the perspective of a lawyer, an ivy grad, and a city chick.

Though we have continued to post entries regarding our transition back to the "real world," our new focus is on the documentary.  In conjunction with One Way Street Productions, the Traveling Circus will be releasing a documentary later this year.  We intend to wrap up post-production in June 2011.

For those of you interested in following a new set of Appalachian Trail thru-hikers, we suggest the following:
  • Dan and Kaitlin - The Traveling Circus met Dan and Kaitlin in the Whites.  They gave us a blueberry cheescake dessert that was to die for!
  • Onward and Upward - The Traveling Circus has interacted with Onward (Helena) and Upward (Barry) via email.  Awesome blog!!
  • Trail Journals - Many thru-hikers use this site to write about their journey.  This could distract you for hours, beware!!! 
  • Virginia Trail Guide - Okay, not an AT blog.  But a really great blog about Virginia's hiking and biking opportunities written by Adam and Christine, one of the most kick-ass couples we met on the trail.
For those of you who haven't read our most recent blog entries, check out:
For those of you interested in being on our listserv, contact us here.

Thanks again for following! Enjoy!


  1. Thanks for linking to our blog! I added Dan & Kaitlin and Onward & Upward to my feed reader. Maybe Adam and I will be able to say hello to them when they pass through Shenandoah.

  2. I still can't get my hike out of my mind, either. Everything since I have gotten back has seemed boring. I am studying, but my grades aren't what they could be. I am on financial aid suspension, and am considering just hanging it up at the end of this semester, and just living on the AT, come what may. There were bad times, but I felt truly happy most of the time.


  3. My son Dan Darcy "coon cat" started the hike April 10 last year alone and summited Katahdin on August 30th. He turned 23 on the trail. He graduated with a film degree from Emerson college in Boston. He lives in LA working in his field and I'm sure would be interested in hearing about your documentary. If you're interested in sending him info, his email is I came across your blog by chance trying to locate someone else and I have to say, your thoughts and outlooks are so refreshing. You all truly captured the essence of the journey. Ruth Darcy

  4. I'm thinking about doing a thruhike for 2013 or 2014. You guys did great.

  5. I had been hiking for a year now and lately I am searching for some hiking bogs to have some idea on what to do,I don't know If all of my idea in mind would be worth to start a blog or do I have to have another hike soon to be able to add some ideas.

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