Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Appalachian Trail: Unknown Territory Video Blog - part 12

The twelfth installment of the Unknown Territory Video Blog.

Check back soon for a new installment and follow along with the adventures of a lawyer, an Ivy grad, and a city chick.


  1. Thank you, thank you,
    Looking forward to the whole documentary.

  2. Hey guys - congrats on finishing your hike! I've been reading your blog since the spring, and have loved it. I missed the "live" postings of your big finish because I was doing a hike of the Wonderland Trail during august, and so I was just catching up. I finally succumbed to the urge to post a comment because I actually live in new york city - in fact, my apartment is in your video!! I live in the buildings behind Brandon when he's saying "I don't know where we are!" (You're in Stuyvesant Town, by the way). Anyway, it's just funny to think that I've been reading about your adventures for months, and then you were outside my door (probably while I was reading your updates....)

    Sounds like you guys loved new york - come back and visit again!

    P.S. I found something ironic about you guys hanging out in Central Park...


  3. Haha, it really is a small world! And yes, totally ironic....we laughed about that while we were lying in the grass as well. Hope the Wonderland Trail was fabulous!

  4. hAHA. nice video. Still kinda regret missing NYC, but seeing the skyline near Bear Mt. was, hands down, THE single most exhilarating moment of the hike. I screamed for like three whole minutes. Like double rainbow shit except super loud.
