Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Appalachian Trail : Unknown Territory Video Blog - part 1

The first installment of the Unknown Territory Video Blog.

Check back every Wednesday for a new installment and follow along with the adventures of a lawyer, an Ivy grad, and a city chick.


  1. Don't give up! You'll make it, even at a slower pace.

  2. Just keep doing the best you can. There are many of us out here who are behind you "every step of the way" so to speak!

  3. I think a good mantra is "we're never going to make it." Keep saying that the whole way, and say it one last time right before summiting Katahdin.

  4. The crew from Blacksburg thinks y'all are the shit and capable of anything you set your mind to. I learns do much from you guys !! Cheers and much love!!

    Taub from B'burg

  5. "her and Emily are both women" A++ 20 gold stars bran..lol!

  6. Emily is physically and athletically gifted. She swam competitively from an early age, won countless first place medals at national junior lifeguard competitions beginning at age 8, became Chicago's top female lifeguard rookie at age 16, competed at state level swims two years in H.S, and assisted her high school water polo team with first and second place state wins. It's no wonder that she excels at hiking.

  7. It doesn't matter if you don't make it to Maine. Maine is overrated anyways.
    Enjoy it as much as you can and don't let the clock dictate when you need to do things.
    Stop and smell the flowers! (or dry leaves, or bear poop, or whatever you find there)
