Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Appalachian Trail : Unknown Territory Video Blog - part 8

The eighth installment of the Unknown Territory Video Blog

Check back every Wednesday for a new installment and follow along with the adventures of a lawyer, an Ivy grad, and a city chick.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

New York City's "zero" Day!

Written By: Emily "lightning" Ginger

I've been enjoying living outside and being free from all the societal stresses for the past few months. Since I have always lived in a large city and have never considered living a slower paced life out in the country somewhere. However, seeing how well I have taken to being in the woods I have been contemplating whether I would actually like to have a life out in the country. Since we've been hiking through the state of New York for the past week we decided to take a day off from the trail to go into Manhattan for two nights. We were riding the train through the city while en route to Grand Central Station when I looked out the window and saw the concrete world around us. I anticipated being in shock when we arrived but instead I felt very much at home! I have only been to New York City once in my life, for one day only, when Kate and I made a trip there a few years ago, so by all means there was no reason for a place like New York to feel like my home. However, it was seeing all the buildings, streets, trains, buses, and PEOPLE that made me feel like I was at home. I was reminded of how much I enjoy the hussle and bussle of the city where your "views" are all the food optons and the large variety of people that surround you. What a contrast to what I've been exposed to for the past few months; out on the trail it's a "busy" day when you pass a few strangers who are day or weekend hiking.

We spent a day in New York doing what I would do at home in Chicago: walking down the street and taking in all the people that are out and about. It was glorious! I really enjoy observing others- the clothes and shoes that they wear, the strides that they take, their facial expressions, interactions with others, and their behaviors. When people watching I am by no means judging these people, just simply enjoying the "views." Considering we were in such a large city, we of course took advantage of our 6,000 calorie diet and dove right into all the food choices that were in abundance on every street and along the sidewalks. We also spent some time taking in some culture by exploring various parts of the Met (NY's art museum). It was just what I needed, a nice bite out of what I've been missing.

Although it was great to be back in my element, and though I wish I could spend days on end exploring all that New York has to offer, I am confident that I will be back to do just that. Exploring New York is a different adventure that still lays ahead in the cards for me. Right now I am experiencing one of the greatest adventures that I have had yet, and I was happy to return to the trail to continue exploring my current adventure. I know that society and big city living is there waiting for me when I get home, and I am happy to focus on what it is that I'm doing now because I doubt that I will ever pursue living in the woods for such a long period again. Being in New York was a great reminder (I thought it would be a huge distraction and that Kate and Brandon would have to drag me out of the city) that I am doing something so unique and different that will greatly impact my life in so many ways. Being able to say that I hiked the entirety of the Appalachian Trail and learned a lot in that time is going to mean a lot more to me than saying something along the lines of I lived in New York City for five months.

Ringleader, Master of Zen

Written by: Katherine 'Ringleader' Imp

I have mastered the art of zen. I'm sure people have used other words and phrases to describe the meditative state I find myself in -- but for now, I'll call it zen.

Mentally, the first half of this thru-hike was brutal. I charged through law school in 2.5 years to give myself the time gap necessary to embark on this hike. I took advantage of spring break, but my summer and winter breaks were spent working and studying. After my last semester, I immediately dove into bar prep and for the 2 months prior to hitting the AT, I did nothing but study for the Illinois bar exam. Those were the most mentally intense years of my life.

When I hit the AT, I thought I could just turn off my brain. Just take in the fresh air, Kate. Enjoy the beauty of nature. Easier said than done.

For 2 months my brain went through mental-intensity withdraw. It was like a radio tuner in your car when driving on the highway -- speeding through stations, trying to find something to play, but finding nothing. I tried to just focus on the trees, but my brain wanted more inputs. It was used to doing 100 things at once and nothing on the AT could satisfy that craving.

Somewhere in Maryland my brain finally found peace. I began memorizing poems. I met new people on the trail and in towns. I stopped thinking about my life at home -- all the things I want to do or have already done. I learned how to control my brain rather than have it control me. I was able to just be.

I can't remember hearing a single bird during the first half of this trip. I don't remember hearing the wind or rain. I don't remember hearing the dirt crackle beneath my feet.

During these last few weeks, I've listened to my ipod a total of 3 times. Except for a few calls to family members, I haven't talked on the phone at all. I haven't even checked emails. I've just been listening to the birds...

We Finished! Right?!?!?

Written by: Brandon "Monkey" Imp

Are we in the final stretch? We are in Kent, CT. The remaining states to hike through are CT, MA, VT, NH, and ME. CT and MA will probably fly by - the mileage length is low and the terrain is non-White Mountains. Then there's VT and NH where our average daily mileage will significantly decrease due to the White Mountains. Finally, there's ME. It has a large chunk of miles within the state. However, it is the last state - when we enter it, doesn't that mean we are basically done? So from this analysis of the remaining states, it looks like we have very little of the trail to hike. I'll just ignore the fact that there's 725 miles between us and Katahdin.

Now that we are somewhere closer to the end, I am thinking about what I want after the trail and what I have learned while on the trail.

After the trail, I want:

Peace and Quiet. I don't think I need sleep necessarily, but I need to sit and not be bothered. I want to feel oily from sitting in air condition. I want to sit for so long on our old, beaten basement couch that I feel the need to get up from my vegetative trance and do great things.

My Dog Sunny. Sunny is the best dog on the planet. He is 13 years old yet still has spurts of puppy energy. (Granted they last 4 minutes before he becomes disinterested or tired, but they are spurts nonetheless.) Then, he seconds as a pillow and blanket. Good puppy!

Brie and a Baguette. Fresh Fruit. A Large Salad with Nuts, Raisins, Italian Dressing, Croutons, and Spinach. Funnel Cake. Gatorade (NOT Powder Mix).

Friends and Family. I want to see people with whom I am comfortable. I do not need to talk about standard trail life - where's the water, I saw a snake, this tastes terrible, that hill sucked, I ate blueberries. Being in their company is happiness enough.

A Job. This will come in time. I am not worrying too much about one until we pull up into our NJ driveway.

Sandals. My feet are screaming to be released! It's summertime! If I were anywhere else, sandals would have been introduced to my feet on April 1st!

Geography. Where the heck is Zimbabwe? What countries are in Central America? Why don't I know these simple facts?

Books and Plays and Newspapers. I need to read. I want to read. I want to be entertained. I want to learn. I want to re-read The Hobbit at bedtime, wake up to the New York Times, and analyze Ibsen or Ionesco at lunch.

MOST IMPORTANTLY. I want to re-charge my sense of adventure! My craving for the new has always been large, and this trip is testing its limits. By the end, I may be running on empty. How long will it take for me to get antsy and begin planning my next trip? Hopefully just that vegetative time on the couch. Hopefully!

On the trail, I learned:

People Are Good. The push for normalcy blinds this truth for many in society. But, it's a truth! Truths cannot be anything but what they are.

Girls Poop. Sorry men. This is a fact that (I hope) MythBusters does not have to prove.

I Like Who I Am. This is me. I am Brandon. I am comfortable with who I am, how I interact with others, and my placement in the world. Sure, this trip and other experiences will change me. I am open to those changes. I do not think they will shake my core and re-route my persona. They will only alter my outlook in a positive way.

Not Every Snake Is There To Eat You. Many are, but not all.

Different Is Interesting. Even the Abercrombie and Fitch model has a backstory to tell.

I Need Rest. I am not a robot or a super-human. I cannot do it all. I cannot do 50 things simultaneously. And, I need some sleep mixed into my life to put forth 120%.

Just a few states left on our journey. I think we can do it! Another week or two and I'll be sipping strawberry daquiris on the deck. (NOTE: We in fact have 1.5 months left, not two weeks.)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Where's my muse?

Written by: Emily "Lightning" Ginger

I will never forget the day that I was dropped off on top of a mountain in Georgia- it was a foreign place that I would call "home." I was stripped of my familiar comforts, terrified, and unable to fathom the experiences, emotions, and feelings that would come. It was scary being totally out of my element and at the disposal of the 2,000 miles of wilderness that lay ahead of me. Fortunately, I adjusted quickly to my new environment. The first two months that I was out here were exciting and new; I had an awakening to my senses, as well as a rejuvenated appreciation for the beauty and serenity of nature. However, now that I've spent three months out here, my perceptions, emotions, and feelings have changed. As of late the scenery and hiking has become monotonous and mundane- I've hit the point of knowing what to expect out of each day (how long it will take me to hike and what I'll see along the way). Also, now that I've had three months of meditation I'm finding it harder and harder to keep myself entertained while alone with my thoughts; it's more challenging than I anticipated to simply think for 8 or more hours each day. I've been struggling for the past week, feeling as though I've hit a lull in my trip.

When I was living in San Francisco I missed the smell of summer in Chicago when all the street festivals, block parties, free concerts, etc. are in full swing, drawing all sorts of folks outside, and causing the streets to be crawling with people (It's prime entertainment). While being out here on the Appalachian Trail I miss those stimulants and crave something more than just my own meandering thoughts or the constant green tunnel that surrounds me. Although I've come so far that it would be ridiculous to not see this through, it's really hard to convince myself to keep going when I think I know what to expect each day.

Fortunately, the real "beauty" of the trail is that it is full of surprises and resources which can provide you with a reason to keep going. Yesterday I found my "muse." We had intended to hike 20 miles yesterday but less than halfway through our hike we made a change in plans and decided to only do 9 miles (that right there was mixing it up). We stopped in a small town called Unionville, located on the NJ and NY border. We had gotten wind on the trail that in Unionville hikers are welcome to stay at "The Mayor's House." The man who owns this house is a 71 year old man who used to be the mayor of the town, he doesn't live here anymore, he just keeps the house as a haven for hikers; it's a place where we can come to feel at home. Immediately we were welcomed and made to feel at ease (like we would in the comfort of our own home). Through the presence of the people who run the house, other hikers who rolled in throughout the day, and the company of the Mayor and his wife (who came just to visit during the evening) I felt very much part like I was surrounded by family. Having that familial comfort come from strangers reminded me as to why I am out here. I was able to see again how remarkable and multi-faceted the Appalachian Trail is. I am again able to appreciate taking part in something so remarkable and of such great importance to so many different people. I feel equipped with the inspiration and motivation I need to keep me going through the last leg of our trip.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Utopian Expectations

Written by: Katherine 'Ringleader' Imp

The Appalachian Trail attracts all walks of life. Why? Because you don't have to be a rocket scientist to walk it. In fact, most people that attempt a thru-hike have no experience in backpacking, hiking, or camping. The trail is covered with signs directing you where to sleep, where to get water, where to get soda and snickers, and where to go to the bathroom. All you really need (aside from a little time and money) is an adventurous spirit, an open mind, and a basic understanding of the English language.

Because of the AT's simplicity, all kinds of people walk this trail --- gay or straight, rich or poor, male or female, rural or urban, southern or northern . . . except for one group: MINORITIES.

Where are they???????????

Brandon, Emily, and I are used to living in America's melting pot. We have friends of all races and backgrounds, and the opportunity to talk to people of different cultures has shaped who we are as people. So as much as I love the diversity of people on the AT, the lack of minorities has been infuriating.

I see the Appalachian Trail as the Utopian version of what America could be. A place where complete strangers take time to say hello. A place where people help one another without hidden agenda. A place where natural beauty is intertwined with towns rich in history and character. A place where a tattoo-covered bartender can find common ground with an ex-marine.

Sometimes I think the experiences we have on this trail are magical, but it saddens me that to this point, it has not been shared with the breadth of people that live in America. Maybe, through word of mouth and enough publicity, this flaw will give way to a better Utopia.

And Fun Times Were Had By All

Written by: Brandon "Monkey" Imp

First, a sincere apology to all of the readers out there. Our blog has been very dry the past few weeks due to unexpected events - namely, a lack of internet usage in towns! It is as if every time we entered a town, the library was closing earlier than expected or there was no library at all! There was one or two hotels in the past chunk of time, but there was no computer for hikers. Our poor lives!

Emily and Kate's entries seem to be a bit serious this round, so I'll write about some fun things we've been doing! In no particular order:

The Movie Theater. We were in the Delaware Water Gap and were feet from crossing out of PA into NJ. PA is tough on the feet (see: rocks) and Ringleader was tending to a pulled leg muscle, so we decided to take a zero day (see: hike zero miles). So, we went to the MALL! Kate went straight for an Auntie Anne pretzel and I went to the food court. My goodness! I forgot how expensive the real world is. $3 for a slice of pizza? That's how much I spend on trail food for one day. It was a zero day, however, so I bought that pizza and loved it. We went to the movie theater hoping for a double feature. I bought the large popcorn that gives free refills and got a cup of water. Movie 1: Killers with Kutcher and Heigl. WORST MOVIE EVER. It was so painful that we left 40 minutes into the film (Katherine O'Hara's performance was hilarious though - bravo). We switched over to The Karate Kid. Good choice! It was relaxing, entertaining, and satisfying.

Slack Pack. We ran through the state of PA! Slack packing is when you carry only what you need for the day: food, water, rain gear, and camera/equipment. Instead of 30+ pounds on our back, we carried 5-10 pounds. So, instead of 20 mile days, we hiked 30 miles in a day and lived to tell the tale...5 days in a row. We flew through the state of PA in 10 whereas a normal thru-hiker takes 2-3 weeks. Go team!

Carla. Remember that entry I wrote about the flood gates opening? It was due to my friend Carla. She was the key to my emotional wreckage. Thankfully, Carla lives 45 minutes from Port Clinton in PA, so she drove out to meet us with her mom! We woke up at 7 am to Carla arriving with baskets of food. Primarily, bacon. Bacon is a priority in my diet, and Carla knew this from living with me at Cornell. So, thank you Carla, for bringing bacon and other goodies, and enough to share with other hikers! Since seeing you, my emotions have been in check. It's as if you locked it all up again and allowed me to focus on hiking.

The Munds. The Munds are part of our extended family. They live in northern NJ and have been following our progress along the trail. Hearing we were 1.5 hours away from where they lived, our cousin Eric with kids Nyna and Sage and our cousin Chuck came out to visit. They picked up five hikers (Traveling Circus, Prophet, and Snickers), fed us, entertained us, resupplied us, and showered us with candy and snacks. It was GREAT to see more familiar faces and hear about the adventures the family has been having!

Harpers Ferry. This WV town is the time-wise half-way point of the Appalachian Trail. It also houses the headquarters of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. When a thru-hiker arrives to town, they get a picture taken and are given a thru-hiker count number. We spent almost two days in town, so we went shopping to dress up for the picture. Ringleader wore a hideous orange bust, Lightning wore hippie clothes, and I wore a frilly green shirt, all purchased from Goodwill. The photo shoot went perfectly! We were numbers 189, 190, and 191 for the year. WHO ARE ALL OF THESE PEOPLE AHEAD OF US??!?!

Half-Gallon Challenge. The actual half-way point of the AT is near Pine Grove Furnace in PA. Since we are half-way, it is tradition to eat half a gallon of ice cream. Lightning did not attempt. Ringleader finished the challenge with Mint Chocolate Chip. I finished the challenge with Cookies'N'Cream. Mmmmm! I got freezer burn on the roof of my mouth.

Bears. WHERE ARE THEY?!? I saw 3 within a 10 minute period while hiking in NJ. I got a few pictures, but none that great. Some hikers see 6 within a day. Ringleader and Lightning have not seen any. WHERE ARE THEY?!? I'd rather see a bear than all of these snakes!!!

Palmerton. Palmerton, PA was one of our favorite trail towns thus far. We slept in an old jailhouse - firing range included! We also spent many many hours at the local bar Susie's - made great friends with the local crowd, played some pool, and loved life!

Lehigh Gap. We crawled up the side of the mountain. Over boulders. In the sweltering heat. It took an hour to go one mile. NEVER climb out of this gap. Just don't do it.

AT Museum and Baltimore Jack. The Appalachian Trail Museum just opened in Pine Grove Furnace, PA. We visited the second day it was opened and were very surprised! The museum was thorough and great. ALSO there were four wood busts of trail legends: the first to thru-hike, the one who thought of the trail, the grandma celebrity, and Baltimore Jack. Baltimore Jack thru-hiked 8 years in a row and has been section hiking every year since. He lives and breathes the Appalachian Trail. He is also a huge supporter of the Traveling Circus. Thank you for believing in us, and looking forward to seeing you again up the trail!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Appalachian Trail : Unknown Territory Video Blog - part 7

The seventh installment of the Unknown Territory Video Blog

Check back every Wednesday for a new installment and follow along with the adventures of a lawyer, an Ivy grad, and a city chick.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Trail Update #5

1. Where Are We: Pine Grove, PA

2. Approximate Number of Miles Hiked: 1180 miles

3. Current Challenge: Marathon Slackpack

With the help of a friend, we are slackpacking 150 miles in 5 days . . . averaging 30 mi/day throughout PA. This puts us back on track to finish our trek around August 10. We are 90 miles into the 150 mile challenge. It rained for the entire 30 miles into Pine Grove, but the hotel with hot tub and continental breakfast has rejuvenated us to finish the challenge.

4. Ice Cream Challenge in Pine Grove Furnace State Park

It's tradition on the trail to eat a half gallon of ice cream once you cross the halfway point. Most thru-hikers do attempt this challenge, but few succeed.....

Monkey: Success! In under 35 minutes!
Lightning: Did not attempt
Ringleader: Success! 58 minutes, and only the 2nd female to finish in 2010!


College Park Crew: Jamie, Marilena, Nick, Oleg --- Thanks for joining us on the trail for a day. We had so much fun chillin' with you all, and the thru-hikers that came through really appreciated the trail magic we offered!

Adam and Christine --- Thanks for all your generosity during our time in the Shenandoahs. We had a great time getting to know you both, and we look forward to connecting with you again in the future.

For all those interested in Virginia's Hiking and Biking, check out Adam and Christine's fantastic website by clicking here: Virginia Trail Guide.

Stacy --- Thank you for providing us with dinner and showers in Frederick, MD. When we look back at our time in Maryland we will think of you . . .

Tucker --- You are truly an amazing man. Thanks to you, Prophet, Turkey, Thrasher, and the Traveling Circus had one of the most memorable nights a thru-hiker could ask for. Dinner, beds, wine, breakfast, and excellent conversation. It's people like you that rejuvenate our faith in human kind.

Care Package Trail Angels --- Thank you again to those who have sent us care packages in the mail. This includes our mothers who have been running back and forth to the post office since March. We appreciate all of your support!


Vernon, NJ [6/18/10]

Dalton, MA [7/1/10]

Here's how you send it:

Recipient Name [e.g., Katherine Imp]
General Delivery
City, State, Zip
Please Hold for Thru-Hiker
Estimated Date of Arrival: xx/xx/10

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What's Next???

Written by: Emily "Lightning" Ginger

Today is our three month anniversary!

I never thought I would be able to say that I lived in the woods for three months and walked over 1,000 miles during that time. It's been such a boost to have hit our halfway milestone, and I am relieved to finally have a substantial portion of the miles under our belt- I am more confident than ever that we will actually be able to summit Mt. Khatadin in Maine. During the first few months it was too overwhelming to think about the amount of miles that remained ahead of us so I just focused on adjusting to the foreign lifestyle I had thrown myself into (before coming out here I had never backpacked a day in my life, the most I had done were day hikes during camping trips- I threw myself into the deep end and wasn't even sure that I would be able to last a month living in the woods). Now that I have become accustomed to this lifestyle, I only have two months left of it and time is really flying by. Now that we are past the halfway point I can actually see the light at the end of the "green tunnel" and I feel closer to that end goal with every single step I take.

Originally when I came out here I expected to determine exactly what I want to do with the rest of my life career wise, or at least have a "next step" in mind. The past three months have been like a retreat because hiking hours on end everyday leaves you with nothing but your meditative thoughts to delve into, while being totally removed from all the bittersweet distractions of society. Though I haven't exactly figured out what I want to do with the rest of my life, I think it is just as significant that I have been able to reflect on that which is most important to me in life, and I have honed in on what's really worth stressing over. I have come to realize and appreciate the people I am fortunate enough to have in my life at home (FAMILY). I look forward to going home and rejuvenating friendships that I regret having not put more effort into. On the same note, I think it will be difficult to let go of the relationships I have built with people out here on the trail. I certainly hope that I will be able to keep in touch with some of my friends I have made out here.

Now that we have come this far, the miles have become easier and the scenery has become customary. My attention is now fixed on what the transition will be like for me when I return home. Will I be able to instill the changes that I've decided to? Will I slip back into my old ways? Will I be able to be as happy as I am out here when I return home? I hope I find a way to incorporate all that I have learned in this experience into my life- I look forward to the challenge and seeing what comes next for me.

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Day in My Mind

Written by Katherine "Ringleader" Imp

6:30 am :  Beep, Beep, Beep.  Ugh, don't want to get up yet.  But I have to pee.  Omg, unzip tent!  Must pee.  Must pee.  Got it...

8:00 am : It is way too early to be going uphill.  I wonder what kind of view there is on Annapolis Rock.  I should eat a Cliff bar when I get there.  It was so great to see my college friends this week.  I should've had water after those beers last night.  I wonder how long it will be until I come back to Maryland.  I need to floss.

8:30 am : Nice view from Annapolis Rock.  It would've been cool to camp here.  I hope my muscles don't eat themselves.  I need to eat more snacks to make up for my lack of appetite at meal time.  Goodbye view, need to hike.

11:00 am :
Is that Brandon that smells or me?  Those day hikers smell so good.  I wonder if they can smell us.  Two roads diverge in a yellow wood - Robert Frost.  The road less traveled.  I'm glad we all memorized that poem.  Ahhhh!  Omg.  Brandon, that scream scared the hell out of me.  It's only a snake.  I should memorize "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" by Dr. Seuss tonight.  I'm so glad I'm not studying for the BAR right now.  I miss Chicago.  I should apply for Survivor again.  I think I need to eat another Cliff bar.

12:00 pm : Was that thunder?  Ugh.  Need to get off these boulders before it pours.  Must run.  Shit, almost fell!  Thank god for my trekking poles.  I wonder whether The Sex & The City movie is any good.  I wish I could push my start date for work back another week.  It was good to talk to Cowgirl yesterday.  I wonder if Nobody is ahead of us.  We have to catch up to Moose and Tetherball.  And it's raining.

2:00 pm : A road.  There are people.  Maybe it's trail magic.  I don't know if it is.  I'll pause near them and see what happens.  Would you like a popsicle?  Woohoo! Don't mind if I do.  I love trail magic.

3:00 pm : Picnic tables. Campground.  18 miles down, 5 to go.  A man is walking towards us.

3:30 pm : Man invited us into his home!  He's picking us up in 8 miles.  Wait, does that make today a marathon?  I wonder if there are strings attached to the man's gesture.  Maybe he's just lonely.  I don't know how I'm going to put on heels for work after this.  Man, this terrain is rocky.

5:15 pm : 7 miles by 7pm.  Ugh, not going to make it.  I need to run.  That lady at the last shelter was hilarious!  She could've entertained me for hours.  Ow!  Damn slippery log.  That's gonna bruise tomorrow.

7:00 pm : In car with man who seems legit.  Getting ice cream to eat after steak dinner.  Eggs and bacon tomorrow AM .  This is heaven.

8:00 pm : This man is a trail angel.  I'm drinking wine on a porch over-looking the mountains I just climbed.  I've got good company and steaks on the grill.  There's no place I'd rather be.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Congratulations! Today is your day! You're off to great places! You're off and away!

Written by Brandon "Monkey" Imp
...plays in my mind over and over and over (and I love it).  Since returning to the trail, we have met a whole slew of new hikers.  Two of them are Ivy and Mischief.  They are my age (22), go to separate colleges, and have been dating for five yearsThe two are a great match.  They are intelligent, optimistic, opportunistic, and charismatic.  They work well with each other and off of each other.  I cannot say for certain if they will complete their thru-hike, but it does not matter - these two will be so accomplished that an AT thru-hike will just be a number in a list.

We pulled a full day with a karma-driven pit stop at the Dutch Haus and an early arrival to camp.  The shelter ws full and we all chatted about this and that.  Mischief was determined to build a roaring campfire, so I helped collect some wood.  We had a slim selection of rotting wood and some rather green branches, but determinedly, she produced a magnificent campfire.  As night fell, we learned of Ivy's mental investment in poetry.  Among his repertoire was Dr. Seuss' "The Lorax".  Intrigued, the rest of us asked him to recite the epic (and lengthy) poem on greed and conservation.

And recite it he did.  Over the course of 20 minutes, he captured our interests and minds.  The Lorax had a squeaky, pleading, high-pitched voice, different from the regular Ivy voice used for narration.  We sat silently as he told of a world destroyed - a world very much like our own.  Dr. Seuss instructs his readers/listeners to plant their own seed.  Share the gift!

Well, Ivy, you planted that seed deep.  Ringleader, Lightning, and I are tired of not using our brains academically (nothing to read! nothing to debate! nothing new to share!)  So, we have taken up the hobby of memorizing poetry.  Ringleader has memorized "The Road Less Traveled" by Robert Frost,  I have(almost memorized) "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" by Dr. Seuss, and Lightning is working on "Baz Luhrmann Goes to the Top of the Class By Applying His Sunscreen" by Baz Luhrmann.  Dr. Seuss may sound a little silly, but his messages are applicable and straightforward.  Plus, it's fun!  Oh!  The places you'll go!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Appalachian Trail : Unknown Territory Video Blog - part 6

The sixth installment of the Unknown Territory Video Blog

Check back every Wednesday for a new installment and follow along with the adventures of a lawyer, an Ivy grad, and a city chick.